Adding "Code commented by your name,Date" comments in existing method using x++
Add new below method.
void SajuComment(Editor e)
e.insertLines('//New code added by Saju K'+ ' on ' + 'Begin:' + ' ' + date2str(today
(),123,2,1,3,1,4 ) + '' +' at ' + time2str(timeNow(), 1, 1) + '\n');
Go to customizing object methods -> Right Click -> Scripts -> Add and enjoy.
Add new below method.
void SajuComment(Editor e)
e.insertLines('//New code added by Saju K'+ ' on ' + 'Begin:' + ' ' + date2str(today
(),123,2,1,3,1,4 ) + '' +' at ' + time2str(timeNow(), 1, 1) + '\n');
Go to customizing object methods -> Right Click -> Scripts -> Add and enjoy.